Today I am going to dig deeper into another great tool that I use for my online business - Google Trends.
I treat finding a great website like finding a gold nugget. Don't stop looking when you find one, because there might be a cluster of them.
So, how do you find them quickly and easily.
Google Trends
You can use Google trends for a number of things like seeing what search terms are hot on the web.
But, a lesser used section of Google trends is the websites section. You can see different stats about people that visited a certain website.
Lets say that we look at a website like
If you put this into the website section of Google Trends you get some info about visitors to the website.
You can see the volume of traffic and the trend in the traffic.
But, more importantly you get a list of the top 10 websites that people that visited ezinearticles also searched for. Here are the nuggets. Some of these websites you may already know about, but there are some nuggets here that maybe you didn't know about.
You can also see a list of other search terms that they searched for as well.
If you want to dig a bit deeper you can then repeat the propcess for any of those top 10 websites to find other websites.
So, rather than using the search engine and typing in something like 'article directory' and then sifting through the search results, you have a list of the top 10 websites that people visited.
Imagine the possibility in terms of keyword research and linking. Stay tuned, over the next couple of days I am going to take you through using these tools to find great websites to link to and ways to find new keywords.
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