The meta-Description for each page of your website is often the bit that appears in the Search Engine results underneath your page title. This is your opportunity to sell your website to searchers.
Why should they choose your website over the other 10 that are listed in the search results on that page?
There are some rules to follow when creating effective meta Descriptions for the pages on your website.
1. They should be unique.
Like your titles, the description tells the search engines a bit more about what they can expect to find on each page of your website. For this reason they should be unique.
Many websites that I review that look very professional have the same metadesciptions and titles for each page on the website. This will adversely affect how your website is ranked by the search engines.
2. They should contain the main keywords relevant to this page of your website.
Each page of your website should be optimised for 2 or 3 main keywords and some secondary keywords. Your meta-description for each page of your website should contain your main keywords.
3. There should be a call to action.
Give searchers a reason to click on your result as opposed to the other results on the search page. What is your point of difference for your business. What special offer or promotion are you running to entice them to your website.
Statistics say that the closer you are to the top of the page of search results, the more likely your site is to get chosen. Give searchers another reason to choose your website over the others by including an effective call to action as part of your meta-description.
Now would be a good time to review the meta-descriptions for each page of your website. Check out my free website review service if you would like me to conduct a professional review of your website.
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