Every small business website should have a blog!!
Why do I say this?
I think there are 2 main very important reasons why a small business should have a blog.
1. You can quickly and easily put new content onto your website.
One of the main challenges facing small business owners on the internet is how do they get new content onto their website, quickly, easily and for free.
The best way that I know to do this is with a blog.
I have worked with a lot of business owners on their websites and one of their biggest challenges is that once their website is up and running and they have paid their website designer they cannot put any new content onto their site, without paying more money to their website designer. So, quickly their website becomes out of date and stale, and their business suffers as a result.
But, with a blog you don't need to have any knowledge about HTML or web design. Open up your blog, start writing, put in a photo or two if you want, and a few links back to your main website and there you have it.
You can even pay a few dollars to your website designer, and get the new posts from your blog fed directly back onto the home page of your website so that your new and current content is posted directly onto your main website. This will cost you to setup but there are no ongoing fees associated with this.
2. Create links back to your website
Small business websites suffer in the search engine rankings for a couple of reasons, but one of the main ones is that they have no links back to their website.
Include a link back to your website each time you make a blog post. Link to a relevant page on your website.
DO NOT always link back to your home page. Search engines don't like this.
Create a feed for your website at Feedburner and then use this feed to post your content at Zimbio. You will need to create accounts but this takes about 10 minutes. From your Zimbio account you can then post your blog posts to different ezines all over the internet bringing more links back to your website.
Want to find out more about including a blog on your website. Chack me out at Professional Website Design
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