One of the most common questions that I get asked is 'How much will it cost to get my business to Number 1 on Google?'
My question to you is 'What is it costing you to not be Number 1 on Google?'
Here is an exercise that I do to determine the value of the Number 1 ranking on Google.
Lets say that I have an online business and one of my major search terms generates 2000 searches per month. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to see how many searches per month are generated for your search term.
On average the number 1 listing will generate 40-50% of the total search volume as traffic.
So my website is going to get 800-1000 hits per month.
I have a product that sells for $27. (You can plug in your own numbers)
My website converts at 10% so I am going to make 80 to 100 sales per month. This will generate between $2160 and $2700 per month in revenue from your number one ranking on Google.
You will also get some extra benefit because your optimisation efforts will have a flow on effect to other keywords and phrases and bring more traffic to your website.
So, again I ask you 'How much is it costing your business to not be Number 1 on Google?'
And, another question, 'How much would you be prepared to pay to generate a monthly income of $2160 on a regular basis?'

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